Privacy Policy

Lowitja Institute understands that privacy is important to you, and is committed to complying with the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), which are contained in the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). The APPs govern how organisations in the private sector handle ‘personal information’ (which is information or an opinion about you that can identify you). This Privacy Policy explains how Lowitja Institute intends to collect, store, use, disclose, protect and otherwise handle your personal information having regard to the APPs. 

This Privacy policy is not a contractual representation, promise, guarantee or warranty by Lowitja Institute to you as to the manner in which we will or may collect, store, use, disclose, protect or otherwise handle your personal information.  Some matters are beyond our control, for example third-party malicious or criminal attacks.   

Why do we collect personal information and how do we use it? 

We collect and use your personal information so that we can do business with you, such as send you our electronic distribution mail, event notices, invitations and registrations, process your orders and/or requests for publications, process your donations, and undertake marketing.  We also collect it to award scholarships, commission research projects and to disseminate our research, and for any other activity that constitutes your engagement with the Lowitja Institute website. 

If at any time you no longer wish to receive all or some communications from us, please let us know. Our contact details are below. We will stop contacting you with marketing material if you request it. 

Lowitja Institute may hold, use or disclose your personal information for the reasons outlined above.  We may also hold, use or disclose your personal information to: 

  1. consider any concern or complaint that you raise against Lowitja Institute or to manage any legal action between you and Lowitja Institute; 
  2. prevent or investigate any actual or suspected fraud, unlawful activity or misconduct; or 
  3. comply with any relevant laws, regulations, codes of practice and court orders. 

What information do we collect? 

The personal information we collect from you usually includes your name, title, organisation, postal address, email address and contact number/s, and any other information you provide to us.  

We may collect information about whether you identify as an Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander person where you have consented to the collection of that information. Lowitja Institute will only use this information: 

  1. for the primary purpose for which it was obtained; 
  2. for a secondary purpose that is directly related to the primary purpose; 
  3. with your consent; or 
  4. where required or authorised by law. 

We do not otherwise collect sensitive information such as information or an opinion about such things as an individual’s political opinions, membership of a political association, religious or philosophical beliefs, membership of a trade union or other professional body, criminal record or health information. 

Where possible and practical, we will allow you to interact with us anonymously or using a pseudonym. For example, if you contact us with a general question we will not ask for your name unless we need it to adequately handle your question. 

However, for many of our activities we will need your name and contact information. 

How do we collect your personal information? 

We will collect personal information only by lawful and fair means and not in an unreasonably intrusive manner. When you provide Lowitja Institute with personal information you consent to the use, disclosure and handling of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy and any updates to this Privacy Policy. 

Collecting information from you 

If it is reasonable and practical do to so, Lowitja Institute will collect personal information directly from you. 

For example, Lowitja Institute may collect your personal information when you contact, or are contacted by Lowitja Institute by telephone, by email, through Lowitja Institute’s website, or when you complete a form or document and provide it to us. 

Collecting information from third parties 

Lowitja Institute may also collect information about you from other people.  We will only do this where it is not reasonable and practicable to collect the information from you directly.   

Collecting information from visits to our website 

Lowitja Institute may also collect information based on how you use our website, including through ‘cookies’, web beacons and other similar technologies.  

Cookies are small text files that are transferred to your computer’s hard drive through your web browser to enable our systems to recognise your browser and record non-personal information such as the date, time or duration of your visit and the pages accessed, for website administration, statistical and maintenance purposes (Cookie Information). 

We use cookies to provide you with a more consistent experience across our services. We make no attempt to use Cookie Information to personally identify you. However, if Cookie Information is linked with personal information as set out above, this Cookie Information becomes personal information and will be treated in the same manner as the personal information to which it has been linked. 

You can remove or reject cookies by adjusting the settings on your web browser. Please note that some parts of our website may not function fully for users that disable cookies. 

Unsolicited information 

If we receive personal information that we have not requested and we determine that the personal information received is not reasonably necessary to provide our services, we will take all lawful and reasonable steps (if any) to de-identify or destroy that personal information. 

Will your personal information be given to anyone else? 

Lowitja Institute does not sell, rent or trade personal information about you to or with third parties. In some circumstances, however, personal information may be disclosed outside Lowitja Institute. For example, we may disclose it if: 

  • we are required or permitted by law: 
  • disclosure is necessary to protect and defend the rights or property of Lowitja Institute;  
  • we consider it necessary in order to enforce or apply the terms of any agreements with you; or 
  • to external providers that perform services on behalf of Lowitja Institute. 

For example we use the services of HubSpot (privacy policy) to distribute electronic distribution mail and some notices. 

Our website may contain certain links to other websites. We do not share your personal information with those websites and it is not responsible for the privacy practices applying in respect of those websites. 

Cross-border disclosure 

Lowitja Institute may transfer your personal information to an entity which is in a foreign country to assist the Company in providing its services. Such foreign countries may include the USA and Japan. 


Lowitja Institute takes reasonable steps to ensure the security of your personal information. Our premises are in a secure building. Our IT systems are password protected and we frequently update our software in order to protect our systems (and the data contained in those systems) from computer viruses. 

Lowitja Institute has data security practices designed to protect the data held by us.  Notwithstanding this, you should be aware that there are inherent risks associated with the transmission of data over the internet and other mediums. Lowitja Institute cannot guarantee any transmission will be completely secure.  

How to access and correct your personal information 

Under the Privacy Act, you have the right to seek access to information that we hold about you. You also have the right to ask us to update or correct your personal information when it is inaccurate, incomplete or out of date. 

If you wish to access the personal information that Lowitja Institute holds about you, or correct that information, please set out your request in writing, and forward this to us using the contact details below.  We will need to verify your identity before giving you access to, or correcting, your personal information.   

We will then provide you with a copy (electronic or paper) of the relevant information and/or make any requested corrections. 

If we refuse, or are unable, to correct or provide you with access to your personal information we will write to you to explain the reasons why this is the case. 

Additional privacy information 

Lowitja Institute’s Privacy Policy will be made available to anyone who requests it, whether at our offices or through our website. 

Lowitja Institute’s Privacy Policy may change from time to time.  If we change this Privacy Policy an updated version will be posted on our website. By continuing to use our services after that time you will be deemed to have accepted any changes to this Privacy Policy. 

If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy or if you wish to complain about how we have handled personal information about you, please contact Lowitja Institute using the contact details below. 

If a complaint remains unresolved, you may contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) at to have the complaint heard and determined. 


Lowitja Institute 

Ground Floor, 71 Oxford St, Collingwood VIC 3066 

Tel: +61 (0)3 8341 5555 

Fax: +61 (0)3 8341 5599 

