Cultural Safety Audit Tool for Individuals



The Cultural Safety Audit Tool for Individuals is designed to assess an individual’s level of development in understanding critical elements of cultural safety in working to create culturally safe experiences for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals.

This is done through a rubric that contains three critical areas of impact on cultural safety: racism, social-cultural context, and being an ally. For each focal area, the individual must honestly self-assess their practices, ideas and actions to determine their score for each focal area.

Organisations can request that individuals complete the survey twice over a six-month or 12-month period to determine their progress towards cultural safety. Individuals who personally decide to track their cultural safety development can do the same. The audit tool can be also be used as a once-off reflection task.

Assessment process

A digital rubric enables you to complete your audit online, then access graphs which represent your outcomes for the different element areas. The results will include an overall average score and a score per element area. The graphs will show your progress over time.

Once you have purchased the Tool, you will receive a hard copy of the guide book delivered to your shipping address. This hard copy contains important guidance for completing the cultural safety audit, including good practice examples and the questions to be answered. The digital component of the Tool should not be completed without the guidance provided in the hard copy. Upon purchase, you will have access to the tool for 4 years.

It is important to note that once you have submitted your answers in the digital rubric you will not have access to them again until it is time to re-take the audit. If you choose the 6-month interval product you will receive an email notification 6 months after submitting your answers advising the rubric has reopened. If you choose the 12-month product, you receive notification 12 months after submitting your answers.